The Trustees met in March to discuss the AGM which was held at the Bridge Chapel Centre on the 18thof November 2017. It was attended by the members of local communities, Church organisations, fundraisers and donors. The Foundation continues to achieve its aim by working with individuals in the UK and in Nigeria, raising awareness about the danger of not using appropriate inhalers and also working with our partners in Nigeria.
Two Trustees travelled to Nigeria in January 2018 to continue the work of the Foundation with our partners. On the 31stof January 2018, they joined the University College Hospital, Ibadan Patients’ Asthma Club. There were over 80 members in this Club but approximately 40 members were at the meeting on that day. We were welcomed by Professor Ige who is the Consultant for Asthma and Chest diseases, the Matron and Club members also gave us a warm welcome. Then on the 13thof February, we went to the Asthma Clinic at the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital, Ile-Ife. Inhalers were donated to both Units. Below is one of the photos
University College Hospital Ibadan Asthma Club. The photo was taken January 2018 Nigeria.
On the World Asthma Day 1stof May 2018, volunteers from the Foundation had a displayed table of leaflets and inhalers at the Café of a Centre and seized the opportunity to speak to the users and visitors to the Centre. Over 60 per cent of people spoken to are asthmatic. Our sincere thanks to all our families, friends and all our donors.
World Asthma Day 2018 –At the Bridge Chapel Centre Liverpool UK